Sunday, February 12, 2012

That Awkward Moment

The most awkward moment is when you transfer high schools. When I walked into the front door of Norton High School, I had no idea where to go or what to do. The only faculty members I knew were coach Currle and Mr. Rita, so when I asked where to go I got the weirdest looks. My first class was chemistry with Mrs. Pavlov. I thought it was going good I had a few of my old friends in the class. When she assigned us seats I didn't even have a desk so I had to sit on a stool in the back of the classroom. Then I had economics which was a class with all seniors in it that I didn't really know.i immediately thought that Mr. Duff was the funniest teacher at the school. Walking through the hallways I received the weirdest looks. People were confused to see some tall mysterious figure wandering around Norton High. Coming back to a school in the town you grew up in isn't that bad. The reaction of the people in the school is what makes it so awkward.


  1. You should have never went to Coyle my friend.

  2. Your depiction of your awkward moment makes me feel awkward. Good job Jameski!!!!!!

  3. Not that awkward.... BUT GOOD JOB JAMESKI

  4. It couldnt have been that awkward.
